Song Of The Moment


Rhyme With Some Reason x @_BasedPro

Forever alone, with no one to vent to. It's hard to be different when people see right through you.
As if you're not there, yet you vaguely are.

The question is matter, not solid, nor' liquid, but something like gas.
You're there but you're not, time changed us so fast.

You used to be mine, but now your his, the ignorance of you, it seems so bliss.

We all make choices, but most are mistakes. You'll figure it out, as soon as your heart breaks.

Broken into pieces, you and your heart. I'm here for the comfort, not for the fresh start.

Your mind, plus mine, shattered on the floor. Yours caused by him, mine cause of some whore.

The whore being you, is it making sense now?
She'll know it's about her, I'll wait for the frowns.

Vulgar words to prove the point, the heist of my heart, and she was the host. I can tell you're satisfied, since you brag and boast.

Lost in the sky, since I am stoned. I would be happy, if you just have been cloned.

Second chances, and switching stances. Romantic dates, I caught all the glances.

In due time, I'll even the score. All of that happiness, there won't be anymore.

The whore will learn, just like I have, that you will always be hurt, and time never lasts.

Follow the author on Twitter ==> @_BasedPro

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