Song Of The Moment


Lost In Translation (Scream)

I've been screaming my thoughts
And you still don't understand them
You still can't comprehend or
Maybe the depth of it, you can't fathom

I just want you to understand ME
I mean I mean something to you right?
So isn't that worth making the move?
Is that worth a fight?

Like listen for one fucking second
So I don't have to talk so loud
Just stop, just listen
It's my turn to talk now

But you only get louder and angrier
And accuse me of fuck shit
Now that look you give me, it's planted
All this guilt I'm stuck with

But if you'd listen, I wouldn't scream
Cause I scream I say shit
Horrible things
Things that I don't even mean

So I get louder and say fuck you
Cause all you do is talk AT me and shit
We don't have conversations anymore
Every exchange is an argument

When it boils down, I love you
That much has always been true
But my screams, my screams
Look what they've done to you

So I ask you again
How far must this go?
How much does it take?
To get you to know?

How loud do I have to scream?
What words must I say?
For you to listen and understand?
For you to give me the time of day?

It's like I'm speaking a foreign language
An unnecessary complication
Like an immigrant fresh over the border
I'm lost in translation

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