Song Of The Moment


Freestyle #3

Is there a cure?
Is there a way out of this allure?
This repetitive and obsessive need for love?
These changes brought from what love does.

This mindset that everyone deserves it
Even if most of us aren’t even worth it.
Worth a few skipped heartbeats and a few shed tears
Worth a few thousand on a huge wedding and a few shared years

Isn’t it obvious?
Are we sure it even exists?
Or is it as authentic as a school called Hogwarts?
As real as most myths.

But of course, it exists. It has to.
Or at least that’s what those who love have told you.
But can you trust them? Or are they a little unreliable?
Leading you to look for something that steadily denies you.

It shouldn’t be this hard, honestly.
To find just who belongs to me.
But you reassure yourself with thoughts of Aunt Eloise’s marriage
And you convince yourself that you’ll have someone to cherish

But you had someone and you lost her
All a part of life, that’s true but it still hurts
Even now, a year later when you should have moved on
What the hell does this mean? Am I wrong?

Was I made a different way?
Is my soul somehow flawed?
When God crafted me,
Did he give me too much of a heart?

Because I care way too much
About the littlest of things.
I lose people because every joke is an attack
And they sting.

And maybe that’s why I smoke away everything.
Cause when I’m high, I’m better. I don’t feel lifeless.
I’m more than just a body moving on it’s own.
Light the bong, let me escape my existential crisis.

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