Song Of The Moment


Freestyle #4

To care or to care not
A question that decides my sanity
A quality about me that I abhor
A dangerous train of thinking.

Of course one should care
For he who cares is strong
Then why do I feel so weak
Why is a solution the thing I seek?

If I am strong, why do I not thrive?
Why, amongst all this shit, can I not survive?
Why can I not turn it all off like the others do?
Cause not caring compared to this is heaven, that’s true.

So it’s better to not care.
To forget feelings are even there.
To resolve to live for you and yourself only
To make sure you feel alive even if you’re lonely

Although, I don’t know.
It seems careless assholes have the most friends these days.
Did God intend for the world to evolve this way?

To have his children forsake his name
Forget his golden rule.
To love and be loved.
Yet now love is for fools.

So instead of love, we lust.
We get high. We don’t trust.
We light bongs and buy kegs.
Cause we feel better when we don’t feel our legs.

Being faded is better than being depressed.
I guess.

It’s crazy, living here now.
When you have no choice but to ask yourself.
When did we stop loving and stop caring?
When did we stop asking God for help?

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